Friday, 13 November 2009

Disney Baby

Disney baby must be extremely very cute and funny. When Aulia browse the internet and he types the keyword "Disney", he will be directed to some resources contain that cute word. Most people in the world, not only Aulia, have ever experienced watching Disney cartoon and imagined if they could see the character in reality. He still remembered that he was one of Micky Mouse fan. A Disney World Game was played in his SEGA game player too. :)

Disney Baby has already became an icon in almost every product. When Aulia was shopping in Indomaret, he found one baby products with Disney Baby icon on it. Not only that, a candy product also used that damn cute icon. Wow... it prooves that most people love Disney Baby.

Baby products such as talcum powder, soap, shampoo, perfume, toothpaste, and etc. But what Aulia loves most is Johnson and Johnson even he is not Johnson baby anymore. :p The pleasant smell of Johnson and Johnson baby perfume can fly him to the moon. For his extreme oily skin, he choose Johnson and Johnson wet tissues to clean it. Fortunately, Aulia will have a chance to assist 6 months mentoring periode in Johnson and Johnson every Friday, second and fourth week. This evening he will join a regular meeting at Johnson and Johnson.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Chocolate Gift Makes People Smile Like an Angel

Chocolate gift is loved by every single human in the world. Chocolate gift can be given in any great event including wedding party. Honestly, chocolate gift had been choosen by my great family to express love and gratitude for my uncle's wedding party on Idul Fitri 2009.

What is the color of chocolate? I think most people will say that chocolate color is brown. If people eat chocolate, they will taste the sweetness which can make them smile. :) That's natural expression when everybody eats chocolate, even an angel.

Based on Wikipedia, chocolate is a processed food produced from the seed o
f the tropical cacao tree. Cacao has been cultivated for at least three millennia in Mexico, Central and South America. It was first documented around 1100BC. The majority of Mesoamerican peoples made chocolate beverages, including the Aztecs and the Maya, who made it into a beverage known as xocolātl, a Nahuatl word meaning "bitter water". The seeds of the cacao tree an intense bitter an intense bitter taste, and must be fermented to develop the flavor.

When I was in Jogjakarta, I bought chocolate gift at Mirota Bakery. I thought it would be very expensive, but it costed only IDR. 295.000. :p There were pieces of neat and clean money in my chocolate wallet which i didn't want to use for the payment ( I love my clean money, I don't like the dirty one because it will make my wallet smeels not good. :D ), then I decided to
take benefit from my BCA debit card. Honestly, when I was at counter I wish that I would get spec
ial offer if I used my BCA Flazz card. :)

Pure Chocolate, without milk, is good for our health. It will gives adequate nutrition for our heart so human heart can get proper funtioning effect. Where do people can get pure chocolate? Cocoa Van Houten can be a good chocolate gift for my beloved body. I always mix Van Houten powder, sugar, and hot water in one place, then shake it! People believe when they drink hot chocolate regularly, they will look sweet and young. And I believe it too...
Chocolate gift will make people smile and look sweet like an angel.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Aulia Pearl's Favourite Footwear

My beloved friends,

I believe that every single of you have a footwear or even footwear collection. Footwear can influence the way you move or walk. "Plak plak plak" The voice (voice sound) will be heard when you wear pantoefl, you will walk like a highly dicipline (diciplined) person.

People will make an opinion "Hey he/she looks so elegant and diciplined! Yet, his/her clothing selection is definetly excelent which shows that he/she is a credible and intelectual person!" I do believe that you love the above opinion.

Now, If I ask you a question "A comfortable footwear or stylish footwear, which one do you priorate (prioritize) firstly?" The answer depends on you. I will place comfortness (comfort) as my first priority and style as my scond priority (my second one), if I have to choose.

Honestly.. When I was living in Malang, I had experienced wearing a pantoefl which price was only IDR. 100.000. I had been wearing it for about one and a half year. Sometime I got headache and my toe skin was peeled. I didn't feel comfortable at all. Then I decided to buy the new one "Diorucci". (Unfotunately I don't have the picture)

Jakarta has made me fall in love with "Everbest", a highly comfortable and stylish footwear brand. My favourite Everbest Store is located in Semanggi Plaza. The average cost is between IDR. 650.000 to IDR. 1.500.000. I don't care wether the price is cheap or expensive and well-known or ordinary product, as long as it can comforts me, I'll take it!

I have 4 collections of Everbest. Overall, Everbest provides me comfotable and soft sole. Yet, the toe box is great, it gives my toes adequate space to relax. (I will upload two others later...)

Even I wear this black pantoefl for walking whole day, It doesn't hurt me. I just can say "Comfortable and Perfect".

If we want to buy a footwear, we shouldn't care too much its price and style. The most important is comfortness (comfort). Comfortable. Take it!!

Check also

Please correct my grammar. :) (Fitroh Akbar Aulia Primadiansyah "Aulia Pearl")

Friday, 11 September 2009

Aulia Pearl's Photo

I love listening music. With my Samsung SHG-i450 I can experience the great deal quality of Korean, Western, and Indonesian musics. Free download music is a keyword that I love most when I type at Google search engine. :P .

Well I am not going to discuss about music mostly, but I just want to express my narsissistic. X). The photos above were taken by optimalizing my Samsung SGH-i450 2 megapixels camera.

Aulia Pearl hold a Toastmasters International hammer. The hammer is used to open and adjourn the meeting every Thursday.

Let's notice Aulia Pearl's eyelids. His eyelids were blackened because he slept too late. Before delivering his speech, he always practices every night.

Aulia Pearl loves to designed his own cloth. When holidays come he will fly to Yogyakarta from Jakarta only for designing and realizing his fashionable clothing design (based on his own opinion :P). What do you think? Very chick right?

Anyway, some of his friends often tell him that his skin and cloth has the same color. Pink.... Oh my God please forgives Aulia Pearl.. Hehehe. XP

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Earthquake Shocked Head Office of DGT

Head Office of Directorate General of Taxes.
I was working in my office, suddenly my table and chair were shaking. I asked my senior"Kang Ogi what happen aya naon atuh? Please don't shake your legs". Then he shouted "Hey!! Run, it's an earthquake!! Move out!!".

Only in a few minutes, I saw that a lot of tax officers were moving outside the office building. It's human basic instinct to save their life.
Minister of Finance's official cars were parked at the loby because Ibu Sri Mulyani Indrawati was doing press conference at the hall of building A. Some of my friends noticed that the office building and cars were shaked obviously.

I couldn't photograph Ibu Ani because she was sorrounded by the reporters from several TV stations. Ibu Ani stopped the press conference a while and moved outside the hall. I didn' know for sure, but I thought that she started to continue it at the central garden.

We could see the pictures of the officer who was happy and doing ok. Maybe she had been experiencing earthquake since she was still a baby. But on the right side you also could see that the woman hanging the Blackberry was so shocked and worried about her family. Or perhaps, her boy friend... Hufff ... XP

We were trying to stabilize our condition after the earthquake for about 30 minutes. When Adzan Sholat Ashar was heard, the officers started going to Masjid for Sholat Ashar. The situation was recovered to normal again.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Celebrating Strawberry Cheese Cake

Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara had announced that Mbk Niong was accepted as Diploma IV student. She will take Accounting Specialization for 2010-2012. Congratulation my dear!

She was very grateful and happy ! A Cheese Cake Factory was ordered for celebrating.

I tought that It's covered with Chocolate Cream too, but unfortunately It's mostly Sweet Strawbery and Cheese. Yummmyy.. Eating Strawberry got Black Berry Bold, that would be great!

Mbk Niong was a lucky girl because she was surrounded by an extreme gentle men. Was it true? Absolutely Yes!

From the left : Mbk Tuha, Mas Fahim, Mas Wildan, and Mbk Niong were fighting for a piece of cake! Oh My God!

From the left : Mas Wildan, Mbk Niong, and Mas Engkos were cutting the Strawberry Cheese Cake.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Mas Wildan's Wedding Party at Sukabumi

Duuuuhhh... Cowok2 Keuangan emank keren2 terutama yg paling kiri... Hmmm.... :)

Sela Bintana Garden at Sukabumi... Will gives u hilarious effect! Kliatannya enak jg tiduran....

From the left : Mbk Niong Chugeong Geong, Mbk Maptuha, n Mbk WhyJen... Beautiful girls aren't they?

Sebongkah Chugeong dibalik Bunga...

Kok Q ga diajak sicchh... Suadis se pol!! :(

A happy couple from South Korea was there too! Handsome and beatiful...? Yg satu itu ga Handsome ah...

Bos Wildan meni bahagia pisan euy... Selamat atuh Akang Wildan...

Apakah akan segera menyusul utk diikatkan dlm ikatan yg suci? Atau kah Ms. Chugeong akan tergolek dipelukan pria lain.... Who knows.... :P

from Above : Om Bento, Mas Ammar Khan, n Faried...

From left : Bapak Syaifullah dan Bapak Ngadenan... Our lovely senior officers...

Ya ampyuuuunnnnn... siapa yg bakal menang? :P

From Left : Mbk Wijen, Mbk Niong, Mbk Neeta, n Mbk..... (Maap Q lupa namanya). Ada yg tau?

Buka Bersama at Serkabela Restaurant

Di blog ini Q ga pengen banyak nulis English ahhh... Tp campuran dikit gpp ya. :P. My dear friends masih ingatkah dikau ketika Qt buka bersama at Serkabela Restaurant on Last Ramadhan 2008? Wkt awal2 penempatan di Bagian Keuangan n dpt rapel sallary, langsung dueh pesta syukuran.

Waktu bikin ni blog Q sambil menunggu waktu berbuka... Liat Ikan Gurami bakarnya, Gurami Goreng Asam Manies... Munch munch munch.. Delicioso.

Es Kopyornya yang sueeegeeer pol bener2 Mak nYossss...
Well Serkabela Restaurant provides Lombok Cuisines. So it was my first time!

Kapan ya Qt buka bersama lagi.... Yuk Qt set acaranya... :)

Duuuh ada Boys Before Flowers euy... Kasep pisan... :D

Om Bento is always Om Bento... Mangan mangan.. Ya enggak Om? Hehehe :P

Waduh ada apa nich.... ? Q jg mw photo bareng dunks om? XD

Cieeee...rayuan mautnya kluar dueh!

Duet Ratu Heboh... Ibu Qt : Ibu Megawatri dan Ibu Atoen He... Fufufu :D