I was working in my office, suddenly my table and chair were shaking. I asked my senior"Kang Ogi what happen aya naon atuh? Please don't shake your legs". Then he shouted "Hey!! Run, it's an earthquake!! Move out!!".
Only in a few minutes, I saw that a lot of tax officers were moving outside the office building. It's human basic instinct to save their life.
Minister of Finance's official cars were parked at the loby because Ibu Sri Mulyani Indrawati was doing press conference at the hall of building A. Some of my friends noticed that the office building and cars were shaked obviously.
I couldn't photograph Ibu Ani because she was sorrounded by the reporters from several TV stations. Ibu Ani stopped the press conference a while and moved outside the hall. I didn' know for sure, but I thought that she started to continue it at the central garden.
We could see the pictures of the officer who was happy and doing ok. Maybe she had been experiencing earthquake since she was still a baby. But on the right side you also could see that the woman hanging the Blackberry was so shocked and worried about her family. Or perhaps, her boy friend... Hufff ... XP
@Mbk Tri : It's my firts time seeing an earthquake victim was smiling while the others were panic! Cool... I'm proud of you Mbk Tri!!
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