Duuuuhhh... Cowok2 Keuangan emank keren2 terutama yg paling kiri... Hmmm.... :)
Sela Bintana Garden at Sukabumi... Will gives u hilarious effect! Kliatannya enak jg tiduran....
From the left : Mbk Niong Chugeong Geong, Mbk Maptuha, n Mbk WhyJen... Beautiful girls aren't they?
Sebongkah Chugeong dibalik Bunga...

Kok Q ga diajak sicchh... Suadis se pol!! :(

A happy couple from South Korea was there too! Handsome and beatiful...? Yg satu itu ga Handsome ah...
Kok Q ga diajak sicchh... Suadis se pol!! :(
A happy couple from South Korea was there too! Handsome and beatiful...? Yg satu itu ga Handsome ah...
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