Disney baby must be extremely very cute and funny. When Aulia browse the internet and he types the keyword "Disney", he will be directed to some resources contain that cute word. Most people in the world, not only Aulia, have ever experienced watching Disney cartoon and imagined if they could see the character in reality. He still remembered that he was one of Micky Mouse fan. A Disney World Game was played in his SEGA game player too. :)
Disney Baby has already became an icon in almost every product. When Aulia was shopping in Indomaret, he found one baby products with Disney Baby icon on it. Not only that, a candy product also used that damn cute icon. Wow... it prooves that most people love Disney Baby.
Baby products such as talcum powder, soap, shampoo, perfume, toothpaste, and etc. But what Aulia loves most is Johnson and Johnson even he is not Johnson baby anymore. :p The pleasant smell of Johnson and Johnson baby perfume can fly him to the moon. For his extreme oily skin, he choose Johnson and Johnson wet tissues to clean it. Fortunately, Aulia will have a chance to assist 6 months mentoring periode in Johnson and Johnson every Friday, second and fourth week. This evening he will join a regular meeting at Johnson and Johnson.
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