Chocolate gift is loved by every single human in the world. Chocolate gift can be given in any great event including wedding party. Honestly, chocolate gift had been choosen by my great family to express love and gratitude for my uncle's wedding party on Idul Fitri 2009.
What is the color of chocolate? I think most people will say that chocolate color is brown. If people eat chocolate, they will taste the sweetness which can make them smile. :) That's natural expression when everybody eats chocolate, even an angel.
Based on Wikipedia, chocolate is a processed food produced from the seed o
f the tropical cacao tree. Cacao has been cultivated for at least three millennia in Mexico, Central and South America. It was first documented around 1100BC. The majority of Mesoamerican peoples made chocolate beverages, including the Aztecs and the Maya, who made it into a beverage known as xocolātl, a Nahuatl word meaning "bitter water". The seeds of the cacao tree an intense bitter an intense bitter taste, and must be fermented to develop the flavor.
When I was in Jogjakarta, I bought chocolate gift at Mirota Bakery. I thought it would be very expensive, but it costed only IDR. 295.000. :p There were pieces of neat and clean money in my chocolate wallet which i didn't want to use for the payment ( I love my clean money, I don't like the dirty one because it will make my wallet smeels not good. :D ), then I decided to
take benefit from my BCA debit card. Honestly, when I was at counter I wish that I would get spec
ial offer if I used my BCA Flazz card. :)
Pure Chocolate, without milk, is good for our health. It will gives adequate nutrition for our heart so human heart can get proper funtioning effect. Where do people can get pure chocolate? Cocoa Van Houten can be a good chocolate gift for my beloved body. I always mix Van Houten powder, sugar, and hot water in one place, then shake it! People believe when they drink hot chocolate regularly, they will look sweet and young. And I believe it too...
Chocolate gift will make people smile and look sweet like an angel.